Constitution of the United States of Africa
In February 07 , 2007 , President the United States of America Mr. George William Bush in Law 2764 , is launch Order Authorized of nominate Mr. Randriamampionona Solomon 2165949S in Confirm , command and inclined the all US.Africom Defense in Africa , and there is declared for this new command will strengthen our security cooperation with Africa , and help to create new opportunities to bolster the capabilities of our partners in Africa , will enhance our efforts to help bring peace and security to the people of Africa and promote common goals of development , health , education , democracy , and economic growth in Africa.
We must United the all Africa State and Nation and Organization and Association with all People on forces defense and strong Economic for we can to stabilize our mission to deliver serious security peace and to settled development progress in Africa for all People Africa , and for we can to rescue and to deliberate the Africa with People to became have right and there is have above of standards of living with stabilize of high growth Economic equal the all people and Country already liberty in the World , in February 07 , 2007 Mr. Randriamampionona Solomon command with supported the all US-UN-UE-UK international forces diplomacy , and political is Declared for the United States of Africa is to Build.
Article I:
Section 1: The United States Presidential with Federal Government of Africa is United with United States Presidential , and Federal Government of America on the all symbols , flag , and gestation of base good governance , transparency , and Order , Decisiveness Authorizations for the Pontatial Forces security Defense and Strong of high growth economic and trusting of judge justice.
Section 2: The United States and Government Federal of Africa is having:
1- President the United States
2- Member of the high Authority Presidential, with the Federal Government
3- Member President State, with the Government
Article II:
The constitution of United States of Africa is United with the Institution of base Constitution of the United States , and the all member State of Africa is must accepted and respected this United States Constitution with the Institution of base Constitution private of the each 54 state of Africa.
Article III:
Section 1: the United States, and all states of Africa is must to send participle , and must take the responsibility on all moments need for to confirm the United for the all United States Country and all United Yank’s People World and there is must supported for continue the all desire need for to change the World United States country and people with all other People and Nation and Organization and Association have US. Partners and US. cooperation in the World , to became we are and there is have United high Potential Force security international Defense , and United Strong of high growth international economic progress and the trusting international judge of justice with Force International Political , forces international Diplomacy can accepting , must respecting , must execution ,and number one place on above honors and nobility in the World use for protect the World security peace , democracy , right of man , liberty , and of can stabilize the world crisis system institution of financements , and world problem system mechanism growth economic and of can control and itself the all other World problem program development progress and Program Nuclear to became not stabilize the world system climate environment for warranty the Defending for the World Nation and insurance the Securing for the Future World Generation People,
Section 2: This all Order Authorized, and Declaration Authorized, decisiveness Authorized is accepted to form the constitution for the United States of Africa.
Introduction :
Introduction :
The poverty is an object of symbolic for the
World People and Nation have Apartheid and have Slavery, and there is to
create, and to building of otheres Strong Nation and Communities and
organization international use for there is
can to itself the gestations of system mechanism economic of the all
World under development Nation and People.
Also we and the World People and Nation and
Organization are must to confirm our United on Strong of high growth economic,
and Potential Forces Defense , and Expert high Political , and Expert high Diplomacy
use of we can for fight against
the Poverty, the Apartheid , the
Slavery, and for to deliberate the World Nation and People.
Because the world system mechanism of
economic is same of
the mechanism of big Factory ,
Also there is must need and must have energy with raw materials
use of there is can for to
motive this mechanism for to execution the transformation of manufacture the Production , and this energy
with raw materials of the world system mechanism economic is the money with commitments of development high precision.
Also, for we can stabilize the system world
economic, we need have the stability system finance with above value money and
project of system plan development high precision.
And every time's we need have high performance
with strong of man power use of we can for execution this World Program project
Fight Against the Poverty.
1- World dollars and currency
We need to manufacture world US. dollars
money have superior Quality to take
a new graphic of symbols and
letters to confirm of
stabilize the US . Dollars and the World crisis economic and finance,
and the Strong United for US. World Nation and Yank's People.
2- World Center's Bank of United States
We need
to building a new Center's
Bank of United State World
in United states of America have
integrity security - high gestation
- Good governance - strict transparency.
3- Bank of State
we need to building a new Bank
of State in the World use for
against the problem exchange and crisis
of currency and for we can to published
this World dollars Money and the United
States and for can to account the world .
4- Institution Finance
we need to open cooperated and collaborated
and participated on Dullards of Funds supported and Funds
subdivide for the world Nation Finance
private and Finance international use for to supported the Euro Money ,
and all otheres World US-UN-UE-UK Money for there is and we are can to
a new serious stabilize of World future institution finance and
For confirm stabilize the H.R.434 in the one hundred sixth congress of the
United states of America at second session begun an held at the city of washington on monday, the
twety fourth day of january , two thousand , an act to authorize a new trade and investment
policy for United States of Africa , expand trade benefits to the country US.Africa , renew the generalized system of
preference , and reauthorize the trade adjustment assistance programins ,be it
the enacted by the senate and house of representatives of the United States of
America in congress anssembled.
Section 1.Short tittle , table of contents
a) Short tittle
- This act may be cited as the " trade
and Development act of 2000 "
b) Table of contents
-The table of content for this act is as
-Tittel .I - Extension of certain trade benefits to
United States of Africa
Subtitle A-Trade Policy for United States of Africa
Sec. 102.
Sec. 103.
Statement of Policy
Sec. 104.
Eligible requirement
Sec. 104. United States - United States of Africa trade and Economic
cooperation forum.
Sec. 106. Reporting requirement
Sec. United States of Africa Defined
Subtitle B - Trade Benefits
Sec. 111.
Eligible for certain benefits
Sec. 112.
Treatment of certain textiles and apparel
Sec. 113.
Protections against transshipment
Sec. 114.
Sec. 115.
Clerical amendments
Sec. 116.
Free trade agreement with United States of Africa Country
Sec. 117.
Assistant United States Trade represantative for United States of Africa.
Subtitle C -
Economic Develoment related Issue
Sec. 121.
Sense of the congress regarding comprehensive debt relief for the world's
poorest countries.
Sec. 122.
Executive branch initiatives
Sec. 123.
Overseas private Investiement
Corporation initiatives
Sec. 124.
Export -Import Bank initiatives
Sec. 125.
Expasion of the United State private foreing commercial services in United
States of Africa.
Sec. 126.
Donation of air traffic control equipment to eligible United States of Africa
Sec. 127.
additional authority and increased flexibility to provide assistance under the
development funds for United States of Africa.
Sec. 128.
Assistance from United States private sector to prevent and reduce HIV/AIDS in
United States of Africa.
Sec. 129.
Sense of the Congress relating to HIV/AIDS crisis in United States of Africa
Sec. 130.
Study on improving US.Africa agricultural pratices.
Sec. 131.
sense of the congress regarding effort to combat desertification in United
States of Africa and othere country.
II- Trade benefits for United States of Africa
Subtitle A-Trade
policy for United States of United
States of Africa Country
Sec. 201.
Short title.
Sec. 202.
Finding and Policy.
Sec. 203.
Subtitle B-Trade
benefits for United States of Africa Country
Sec. 211.
Temporary provisions to provide additional trade benefits to certain
beneficiary Country.
Sec. 212.
Dutty free treatment for certain beverages made with United States of Africa
Sec. 213.
Meeting of trade ministers and USTR.
III-Normal Trade relation
301. Normal trade relations for Albania
302. Normal trade relations for Kyrgyzstan.
IV- Other Trade Provisions
Sec. 401.
Report on employment and trade adustment assistance
Sec. 402.
Trade adjustment assistance
Sec. 403. Reliquidation of certain nuclear fuel
Sec. 404.
Reports to the finance and ways and means committees
Sec. 405.
Clarification of section 334 of the Uruguay round agreements Act.
Sec. 406.
Chief agricultural negotiator
Sec. 407.
Revision of relation list or other remedial action
Sec. 408.
Reports on trade adjustment assistance for agricultural commodity producers
Sec. 409.
Agricultural trade negotiating objectives and consultation with congress
Sec. 410.
Entry procedures for foreing trade zone operation
Sec. 411.
Goods made with forced or indentured child labor.
Sec. 412.
Worst forms of child labor.
V- Imports of certain wool articles.
501. Temporary duty reduction.
502. Temporary duty suspensions.
503. Separate tariff line treatment for wool yarn and men's or boys' suits and
suit-type jacket and trousers of worsted wool fabric.
504. Monitoring of market conditions and authority to modify tariff reductions.
505. Refubd of duties paid on imports of certain wool articles.
506. Wool researche, development , and promotion trust fund.
VI- Revenie Provision
601. Application of denial of foreing tax credit regarding trade and investment
with respect to certain foreign country.
602. Acceleration of cover over payments to puerto Rico and Virgin Islands.
1 - Infrastructures with communication
new technology system
Subtitle A -
International Center's Laboratories infrastructure progress of researched
603. Road - Rail Road - Ports - Airport
– Bridge progress -
Subtitle B - City of State
604. Apartment confortable – Market confortable -
Subtitle C - International Center's Communication progress
of researched
605. Radio - television -internet -
telecommunication progress
Title 2- Farmer's development with green revolution
A - State Farm and Agricultural
Sec. 606. Big State Farm - large space State Agricultural -
Subtitle B - International Centers of Agris business
607. Technician - Formation - Gestation
Subtitle C - International researched of Farmer's
608. Fertilizer - Seed - Material of
Farmer's - Energy -
3 -
Cares reform of education and Young
Subtitle A - Schools confortable
609. Book room – leisure room – sport
room – religion room – eating room – shower room – water drinkers -
Subtitle B - International University have high
superior class academy, world standards graduate
Sec. 700. Magistrate Public - Administrative -
Sec. 701. Engineer Manager - Mange -Mageable -
Sec. 702. Genuis Industrial Mechanic - Informatic
- Electorinic - Electric
Subtitle C - International Centers of Education
703. Under marine - Spatial - Ground
Biology , Geology
Subtitle D - International Centers of Jobs researched
Sec. 702. Jobs Transformation - Renew – Create -
Cares reform of Heath and fight Against
Subtitle A- International Center 's laboratories of
Sec. 703.
Vaccinate can protect and
Medicaments can for against the parasite and the disease transmissible Virus
and Bacteria
Sec. 704.
International Centers of Hospital
705. International Centers of
706. Insurance of Health
Title 5 - Environment and development progress
Subtitle A - International Center's Protect Environment of
Sec. 707.
Energy Cleaning - Materials of Fireman and Stability Climate - Young
woody and Fruit
Subtitle B -
International Center’s Forest business
Sec. 708.
Gestation -Formation -Technician -
6 - Security Peace and Defense Nation
Subtitle A -
International Center’s Industrial Defense of researched
709. Transport - Communication - Armament -
Radar new technology
Sec. 800. International University of defense have high class superior academic
with world graduate standards Engineering's
Sec. 801.
Technician - Manager's -
Subtitle B -
International Center's Institute Peace of researched
802. Cooperation - Collaboration -
Participation security Peace with Civilian and States and Defense
7- Energy and Transports
Subtitle A - International Center's Energy Cleaning of
Sec. 803.
Reduction tarif : Electric- Fuel - Gas
Sec. 804. Spring Energy cleaning :
Solar - Air - Fuel - Nuclear - Gas -Water -
Subtitle B -
International Center's transport of researched
Sec. 805. Air Traveling - Marin and Under Marin
Traveling - Ground and Under Ground traveling - Rail traveling -
Sec. 806. Security - Quality - Insurance –
precision -
8 - Trading and tax Regulation
Subtitle A -
International Center's Trading of researched
Sec. 807.
Farm - Agriculture - Miners - Fuel - Uranium - Fishing
808 Exports - Imports -
Sec. 809.
Marketing -Transit - Security -Communication -Transport -Insurance
Subtitle B - International Center's Tax of researched
Sec. 809. Unit counter - Control - supervisor
Title 9 - Foods and waters can drinkers
Subtitle A - International Center's Foods and Waters of researched
Sec. 900. Transformation - Extensions - Create -
Sec. 901. Quality - Quantity - Gestations -
Begging a longs years the World Bank and Funds
Monetary international is already and
not stop to give Funds Supported , Funds
subside , Funds Credit for all 54 State
of Africa , but there is not developed and there is rest
poor's in every time's , because there
is not have United and there is not respect the gestation of Funds and
gestation of project and there is have
wrong governance .
Mr. President , and Mr. Secretary General with
Mr./ Mrs. Director General and Mr./ Mrs. Direction General and all
Member of
the Staff of the World Bank and International Funds Monetary Group
Organization , with all otheres comminities international funds , to be
we are already to build
the United States of Africa with US.Africom Defense , the Only System
and Unit
road we can and have right to up , and
to stabilize the standards of living and
Strong of high growth economic and to ensure the security trade
international ,
and to supported stabilize the gstation of mission to deliver serious
peace and settled development progress for People and Country of the
United States of Africa , because we have
high performance , Strong man
power , raw materials with superior Quality and above Quantity
need for execution this Program project
fight against the poverty and for to approaches development rapid our
and Country.
Also , the United States of Africa need the World Bank and International Funds Monetary communities
cooperation , Collaboration , Participation , transparency , good
governance with on all moment of
Invetisment of Funds and Material Credit
, Funds and Material Supported , Funds and Material Subdivide need for execution and suported stabilize the
this commitments and H.R.434 of the one
undred sixth congress of the United States of America , for increased trade and
investment flow have the greatest impact in an economic environment in wich
trading partners eliminate barries to trade and capital flows and encourage the
development of a vibrant private sector that offers individual United States
Africa Citizen the freedom to expand their economic opportunities and provide
for the US.Africa Families , and for encouraging the reciprocal reduction of
trade and investment barries in United States of Africa will enhance the
benefits of trade and investment for the state well as enhance commercial and
political ties between the United States and United states of Africa , and for the United States of Africa can to
send participle supported the World ,
and to take the place , and he big responsibility on the World trading ,
Finance , Economic , use for we can to
stabilize the system mechanism of world gestation trading , finance and
Economic for Development , and for benefit , and for liberty the World Nation
and the World People.
Write by Mr.Randriamampionona Solomon President the
United States of Africa, Antsirabe Madagascar United States of Africa in
February 09, 2007
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